Notice: session_start(): A session had already been started - ignoring in /home/users/web1/www/ on line 8

Notice: Undefined index: email in /home/users/web1/www/ on line 479

Notice: Undefined index: email in /home/users/web1/www/ on line 512

Notice: Undefined index: email in /home/users/web1/www/ on line 546

Notice: Undefined index: email in /home/users/web1/www/ on line 579

Notice: Undefined index: email in /home/users/web1/www/ on line 615

Notice: Undefined index: v in /home/users/web1/www/ on line 41

1.) Business templates their languages de en es fr and senders 2.) Categorize selects, set Postqueries & Times 3.) check & sendinghistory 4.) activate sendingscript 1 time daily



%(customers_name)s %(customers_street_address)s %(customers_city)s %(customers_postcode)s %(customers_state)s %(customers_country)s %(customers_telephone)d %(customers_email_address)s %(delivery_name)s %(delivery_firstname)s %(delivery_lastname)s %(delivery_company)s %(delivery_street_address)s %(delivery_city)s %(delivery_postcode)s %(delivery_state)s %(delivery_country)s %(delivery_address_format_id)s %(billing_name)s %(billing_firstname)s %(billing_lastname)s %(billing_company)s %(billing_street_address)s %(billing_suburb)s %(billing_city)s %(billing_postcode)s %(billing_state)s %(billing_country)s %(billing_country_iso_code_2)s %(billing_address_format_id)s %(payment_method)s %(cc_type)s %(cc_owner)s %(cc_expires)s %(cc_cvv)s %(account_type)s %(payment_class)s %(shipping_method)s %(shipping_class)s %(customers_email_address)s %(customers_telephone)s %(customers_fax)s %(customers_newsletter)s


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Timing per case

Execution: immediately to customers_email_address as alias- 2 times daily, with 8 sek loop - (=max 400 per hour = spamprotection) - via cronjob
Times: This number represents the MAX number of times that an email should be sent to a group of customers. If the number is 0, this email wont be sent!
Blockingtime: time a mail is hold back from resending (if Times is more than 1)